High-Quality Score is the secret to legal PPC management.
When it comes to PPC, or pay-per-click, a marketing style in which businesses are only charged for their advertisements when a user clicks on them, it’s important to go about things the right way. While it’s true that PPC campaigns imply you can pay your way to the top of search results, there’s a way to do so ethically. By prioritizing your relationships with customers and the benefits you can give them through your ads, you can avoid enacting click fraud or confusing potential clients. Be clear and coherent in the content of your ads as a way of strengthening the integrity of your brand.
PPC management can go a lot of different ways. For law firms, the best PPC campaigns begin by focusing on location—that is, the actual region where you conduct business. Using geographical targeting will help your ads to appear to potential clients in relevant areas. Despite the magnitude certain factors have on the success of your ads, the most pivotal is having a high-quality score. Read on to find out how to improve your score and continue to grow your legal PPC campaigns.
What a High-Quality Score Means
PPC campaigns are money-reliant, but that doesn’t mean they can succeed on good funding alone. The profit these ads give you are in large part dependent on the quality score of your ads. According to PPCexpo, a Quality Score is “an estimation of the current quality of the keywords in your ads.” The factors determining that score are your expected clickthrough rate, the experience of the landing page, and the relevance of your ads. The more relevant your marketing is to users, the higher score you’ll be likely to garner.
The rating system of Quality Scores is based on a 1-10 ranking, 10 being the highest possible score. PPC campaigns that rank 10 appear earlier in search results, often within the first few pages. This prime positioning means those campaigns are more likely to be interacted with by potential customers or clients. It’s not only those with good scores who experience consequences from the Quality rankings, however. Companies with ads with lower scores might end up costing money. Due to their poor performance, you’ll end up having to pay more per conversion. With a more successful ad, you wouldn’t have that problem.
Ways Lawyers Can Improve Their Quality Score
If you feel far from a good score, don’t worry. There are lots of ways to boost your ranking and attain a High-Quality Score. Here are a few:
When working to boost your ratings, keyword is king. So search for new, compatible keywords to add to campaigns. If you have a lot of different keywords in one campaign, split them up into organized chunks, to be used in more individualized campaigns.
Go back to the drawing board on the text appearing in your PPC ads. Do they draw the reading in? Pertain to the type of person you’re hoping to attract as a client? Don’t be afraid to get specific. If people see marketing that speaks confidently to a detailed situation, they’ll be likely to see your business as an authority in the field.
Keep your landing pages optimized. Minimize loading time and other slow-moving clunkers on your website. Ensure that the user experience is smooth and unconfusing, and that all pages are easily navigable by even the least tech-savvy of users. Much business can be lost through a confusing or outdated website. Don’t make that mistake.
Your Quality Score mostly depends on how relevant your ads are, so keep them relevant! Don’t get complacent with a good score, or discouraged with a bad one. Legal marketing is changing all the time, as is the legal landscape. So keep your website and PPC campaign content up-to-date and abreast of trends to stay at the upper-end of rankings.
Legal PPC Management Depends on a High Quality Score
Legal PPC management is made much easier by a High-Quality Score. To get there, focus on the relevance of your advertising. In terms of your keywords especially, get specific and don’t be afraid to create individual campaigns. Think carefully about the text of your campaigns and keep your landing pages professional and simple to maneuver around. A good Quality Score keeps your PPC campaigns earlier in search results and can end up saving your business money. Why settle for second-best on any aspect of marketing, no matter how niche? Investing a little time in your campaign now will end up in financial gains down the line.
120/80 is a digital marketing firm that offers cutting-edge solutions for legal practices looking to expand their online reach. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you net qualified conversions.