5 SEO Marketing Efforts that Will Actually Make Your Life Better
Search engine optimization (SEO) seems quite complicated, and for some companies and marketers building solid campaigns, it’s time consuming, too. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do that will drastically improve your SEO and make your life better. Below, you can find the top five – and some tips for implementing them, too.
#1 – Write and Publish a Blog
If there’s one thing you can do that will make a tremendous difference in your search result ranking, it’s writing a blog. Rather than just typing out your thoughts and publishing them, though, be sure to focus on what’s most important for SEO:
- Relevance: The content you create for your blog must be relevant not only to the keywords you choose to use, but also to your site and industry.
- Authority: Make sure your content is authoritative. After all, you want your readers to trust you, and you want to be known as an industry-leader. Authoritative content is a must.
- Professionalism: Don’t publish a blog filled with inaccuracies, misspelled words, or bad grammar. Write and edit carefully.
- Regularity: On average, putting up one to two new blog posts each week is the best way to improve your rankings.
#2 – Use Photo and Video Content
It can be tempting to skip photos and videos for your site. They can be difficult to make and expensive to procure. However, photos and videos are important marketing tools, especially for SEO. People like photos, and if given a choice between reading an article and watching a video about it, most people would choose the video. Just make sure you’re optimizing the videos and images for search queries with the right descriptions and tags.
#3 – Don’t Shy Away from Social Media
Organic social media content is one of the best SEO efforts of them all, and it’s as simple as it comes. Just update your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account a few times a week with information that’s pertinent to your company. Just published a new blog? Tweet the link or share a link (along with a photo) on Facebook. Planning a big sale? Invite people using social media.
#4 – Speed Up Your Website
There is nothing more frustrating than a slow website, and search engines know that slow-loading pages annoy their users. As such, if your site loads slowly, you can expect your rankings to take a significant hit. Speed up your website as much as possible by looking at some of the following:
- Removing JavaScript where possible
- Reducing redirects
- Enable compression
- Optimize your images and videos
- Improve your server’s response time or consider a new server
- Use browser caching to your advantage
#5 – Build Your Backlinks
Finally, it’s important to build backlinks from other reputable sites. Doing this can be tricky, but there are several ways to go about it. One of the best – and the most cost-effective – involves writing a guest blog for a site that is popular within your industry. For example, if your company sells software designed for household budgeting, see if you can write a guest blog for a budgeting guru. You can also write articles and posts for various networks and link back to your own products and services.
As you can see, SEO is about much more than just making sure your website looks nice and works as intended. You need good, relevant content that includes photos and videos, social media accounts, a fast website, and backlinks across the web. With these in place, your site will climb the ranks over time and lead you to success.